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plexr soft surgery ,

Plexr Soft Surgery (PSS)

Written by Khalil AL-SAlem M.D, “The amazing alternative to surgery!”

launched at Al-Salem eye Clinic in 2016. PLEXR soft surgery is a revolutionary and patented innovation, opening a new and exciting frontier in the fields of Aesthetic Medicine. Plexr Soft surgery offers an affordable blepharoplasty and immediate result for our patients. During my career, I found plexr a saver as an easy tool to remove skin tags, acne scars, and those who needed to reshape their skin crease after blepharoplasty. 

The Amazing hand held device uses a focused and controlled micro-beam of plasma energy to sublimate the superficial part of the skin (epidermis),without causing any damage to the underlying or adjacent tissues. PLEXR soft surgery offers an effective alternative option to certain surgical procedures e.g. some cases of blepharoplasty (baggy eyelid correction), scar removal including acne scars, warts, and Xanthelasma . It is also able to remove tattoos and skin blemishes. It is truly a revolutionary new tool capable of performing most of the procedures that would otherwise require expensive plastic and cosmetic surgery.

plexr soft surgery ,
Plexr soft surgery, call now for an appointment

Key uses:

Eyebags’/Eyelid Correction, To be more accurate, Plexr has a good capacity to alter the skin wrinkles and the superficial surface. However, it has no effect on the deeper tissues

Acne – active spots AND scarring, the device has an amazing anti-scaring activity. In addition, it helps to smooth the skin lumps after surgical blepharoplasty

Lines & Wrinkles eg smoker’s lines. When directing the beam in the correct way, plexr helps to stretch wrinkles and flatten out unsightly lumbs in the skin, giving the beautiful baby like texture

Skin Lesions eg warts, xanthelasma, moles (flat or raised), age spots

plexr soft surgery, immediate improvement of wrinkles after plexr شد الجفون بالليزر
Before and After treatment (PLEXR), call now, don’t hesitate

Advantages Vs Surgery

Firstly, No injectable anesthetics required, only tropical anesthesia in the form of Emla cream or lidocaine gel. The level of pain associated with procedure is mild to moderate and most people do not have any pain after 12 hours of the operation.

Secondly, No cutting of skin, Surgical Knifes, stiches and complicated tools are needed. Hence, this will lower cost of operation, and make Blepharoplasty more affordable for every one (you can call it the affordable blepharoplasty.

Thirdly, Very low risk procedure (NO risk of blindness as there is with surgery)

Fourth point, Minimal side effects and far less downtime. As a result, the patient can go back to work after 2-3 day of the operation. No down time required for healing patients are ready to rock and roll in 2 weeks.

Fifth, Quick & easy procedure.  To clarify, the procedure will take 10 to 15 min at the max. In comparison to lengthy surgery

Finally, No thinning of the skin, this is due to the laydown of the new collagen fibers

شد الجفن بدون جراحة ( بلكسر ) : التقنية الاحدث و الأسرع في شد الجلد المترهل حول العين
No easier way to have an affordable blepharoplasty, the expert is waiting for you


How does the Plexr soft surgery work?

The Plexr treatment works by creating a series of minute dots on the skin, which triggers an instant contraction and tightening of skin fibers to create a lifting, remodeling and rejuvenating effect. Plexr uses the fourth state of matter to burn the skin and turn it into gas. The principle involves the ionization of gases contained in the air to create small electrical “arc”, which can be used to treat specific areas of concern without damaging the surrounding areas or applying any unwanted heat to them, Plasma is much less invasive than laser or diathermy.

Am I Suitable for this affordable blepharoplasty Treatment?

Plexr can be used for a wide range of ageing and skin concerns. It is a very safe treatment and is suitable for all skin types. As with any treatment, you will need to undergo a thorough consultation with Dr Khalil Al-Salem to see if this is the right solution for you.

 Does PLEXR hurt?

The treatment is performed using topical anesthetic to minimize any discomfort. if properly applied,1-2 hours before the procedure, the pain is very minimal. Usually in the form of pricking sensation. Once the treatment is done, there is no pain.

 How long does PLEXR take?

The average treatment time is around 30 – 60 minutes but it will depend on what treatment you are having.

 Is there any downtime / recovery?

The advantage of Plexr is that it offers an alternative to surgery, which can be highly invasive, have associated risks and may involve prolonged downtime. There is some downtime associated with the treatment. You may have some swelling and redness in the area, which could last for 2-3 days. You will also get “crusting” of the skin in the treated area which should be gone within five to seven days but this could be concealed with a concealer foundation which will not stop you from going back to work, so the treatment could be done on Wednesday  or Thursday and by Sunday you can cover the crusts by concealer and back to work as normal.

There is downtime, but it is considerable less than with surgery.

What kind of result can I expect?

Plexr can provide dramatic results for a wide variety of skin concerns, it is considered to be the ONLY Non –surgical Blepharolplasty option. Results are visible after one treatment however some conditions may require 2-3 treatments to achieve the best results. The results you achieve are instant and long lasting, which is very comparable to surgical correction 5-10 years.

شد الجفن بدون جراحة ( بلكسر ) : التقنية الاحدث و الأسرع في شد الجلد المترهل حول العين
notice how we can change the looks in a couple of minutes

Who cannot have Plexr?

There are certain patients who need to be careful when having Plexr. For example, Patients unable to follow post care instructions of complete sun avoidance. Those with Darker, ethnic skin may be more difficult to treat. In addition those prone to pigmentation. Patients with Uncontrolled diabetes, or patients who have problem with healing. For instance, Patients who smoke may not heal as well and need to take care. Finally, pregnant & breastfeeding patients should wait and have the treatment once breastfeeding is over.

Post operaive care after Plexr and acne scars care

wound care after plexr treatment is very important. I personally try to be simple by asking the patient to use Tobradex ointment 3 times day on the wound. In addition, Apply cold compressors on the eyelid in the first 12 hours. In case of severe pain I advise my patients to apply Bebanthene skin cream twice a day and apply some lidocaine gel as needed.

COMPLETE sun avoidance is mandatory, apply sun block of your favorite

1. Immediate Aftercare after plexr soft surgery

  • Avoid Touching: Immediately after the procedure, avoid touching the treated area to prevent infection.
  • Cooling: Some practitioners might recommend gently cooling the treated area with a cold pack wrapped in a clean cloth, but always check first, as this might not be advised in all cases.

2. Cleaning

  • Gentle Cleansing: Clean the treated area gently 1-2 times a day with lukewarm water and a gentle, fragrance-free cleanser, patting the area dry with a soft towel. Avoid rubbing or using abrasive sponges.

3. Moisturizing

  • Hydrate the Skin: Apply a prescribed or recommended healing ointment or a hypoallergenic, fragrance-free moisturizer to keep the area hydrated and support the healing process.

4. Protecting the Skin

  • Sun Protection: Protect the treated area from direct sunlight. Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a high SPF (30 or higher), even on cloudy days. Wearing protective clothing and hats can also help shield the skin.

5. Avoid Certain Activities

  • Heat Exposure: Avoid exposing the treated area to heat sources, such as saunas, steam rooms, or hot showers, for a specified period, usually a few days.
  • Strenuous Activities: Avoid strenuous exercises, activities that cause excessive sweating, or swimming until the treated area has fully healed.

6. Observation

  • Monitor Healing: Watch for any signs of infection or unusual reactions in the treated area, such as increased redness, swelling, or pus, and contact your healthcare provider if any of these occur.

7. Follow-Up Care after affordable blepharoplasty

  • Attend Follow-Up Appointments: Go to any scheduled follow-up appointments with your healthcare provider to ensure the treated area is healing properly and to address any concerns.

8. Patience and Avoidance of Makeup

  • Wait Before Applying Makeup: Avoid applying makeup to the treated area until it has healed completely, which might take several days, to prevent infection and not disrupt the healing process.

9. Avoid Picking of acne scars

  • Do Not Pick Scabs: Scabs might form as part of the healing process. Do not pick at them, as this can lead to scarring.

Remember, the healing process varies from person to person, and your practitioner will provide the most accurate aftercare instructions tailored to your specific treatment and skin type. Following these instructions closely is crucial for achieving the best results and minimizing the risk of complications.

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