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Khalil Al-Salem M.D FRCS, FICO

Get to know your doctor; Khalil Al-Salem is an associate professor of ophthalmology at Mutah University, He was nominated for many awards at the American Academy of ophthalmology for the year 2007, 2011 and 2013. He is a well trained ophthalmologist and a sub-specialist in Oculoplastics (cosmetic surgery around the eye). He is well know for this deep Knowledge, Surgical skills and warm interpersonal relationship with his patients. He is a graduate of Jordan University of science and technology, after which he proceeded his masters education at the American University of Beirut. Being taught by the best of doctors was not enough for him; he continued his fellowship in United kingdom, and had his degree from the Royal college of surgeons in Glasgow . He then moved to work in USA and Canada for Many years. In USA he had his Medical retina Fellowship Granted by the Louisville University. In Canada, He had his fellowship in Oculoplastics and Orbital fellowship granted by the University of British Columbia.

thyroid eye disease and Graves disease. Eye signs of graves disease

Thyroid eye disease

Thyroid eye disease (Graves disease) is an autoimmune disease that leads to a generalized overactivity of the entire thyroid gland. Eye manifestation associated with thyroid eye disease includes; eye bulging , eye redness, swelling of the conjunctiva, double vision, and blurring of vision due to optic nerve compression on rare occasions. The condition is commoner in smokers and women (7-8 times more). Herein, we will be giving patients a good briefing about thyroid eye disease and the new drugs involved in the treatment like Tepezza.

Thyroid eye disease Read More »

Treat your eyes to today with the best surgeon in Jordan Dr. Khalil Al-Salem

Cataract Surgery in Jordan

Cataract surgery in Jordan is a procedure to remove the lens of your eye and replace it with an artificial lens. In a healthy patient, the lens of your eye is clear. A cataract causes the lens to become cloudy, which eventually affects your vision. In this article, we will talk about types of cataract surgeries, complications of cataract surgery, and recovery tips after cataract surgery.

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كوفد-19 CORANA virus

فيروس كورونا للجمهور و طبيب العيون

فيروس كورونا: مجموعة من الفيروسات التي تسبب الرشح الموسمي عند العامة. و سميت بكورونا لأن شكل الفيروس يشبه التاج من الإنجليزية كراون . في حالات قليلة قد تسبب أعراض أشد عند البعض كإلتهاب الرئة كما يحدث في الفيروس المنتشر حاليا

فيروس كورونا للجمهور و طبيب العيون Read More »

الشوكولاته الغامقة مفيدة لعين الإنسان

بقلم د.خليل السالم معلومه : الشوكولاته الغامقة مفيدة لعين الإنسان ، لاحتوائها على مادة الفلافانول و مضادات الأكسدة فأنصح الجميع بشرائها، و قد تكون بديل جيد كهدية في يوم الفالنتين للأسف دخلت لعاداتنا وتقاليدنا الأردنية احتفالات غريبة لم أعتدت على رؤيتها في مجتمعنا. منها الفالنتين والهالوين فأرى صغار السن يتهافتون على تقديم الورود الحمراء و

الشوكولاته الغامقة مفيدة لعين الإنسان Read More »

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